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Defending Mortgage Fraud Charges in NJ

August 4, 2020

The mortgage crisis that rocked the country during the 2008-2009 financial crisis led to a great number of criminal charges and prosecutions for mortgage fraud in New Jersey. With the current economic upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we may likely again see a significant increase in mortgage fraud prosecutions. If you are involved or looking to get involved with… [read more]

Evidence in Car Accident Cases

July 12, 2020

In any car accident, even a seemingly-minor fender bender, you should still take efforts to collect evidence as soon as possible after the crash. Key pieces of evidence, such as photos or video of the accident scene, witness statements, or police accident reports may later prove useful in developing a strong, persuasive legal claim for compensation for any injuries or… [read more]

Do I Have to Disclose All of My Finances During Divorce?

July 7, 2020

In a divorce proceeding, both spouses are required to disclose all their financial assets and income to each other and to the court. Unfortunately, sometimes a spouse may not disclose all their assets or income. Many times this error is simply an oversight. However, in some cases a spouse may deliberately try to conceal assets and income to avoid having… [read more]

Are Theft Crimes in NJ a Misdemeanor or Felony Offense?

June 28, 2020

If you have been arrested for a theft crime in New Jersey, you may or may not be aware that you might be facing serious penalties in the event of a conviction, including prison time and fines. Moreover, a criminal conviction can have long-lasting consequences on your ability to find a job, apply for housing, or seek educational opportunities. As… [read more]

What Is the Penalty for Texting and Driving in New Jersey?

June 12, 2020

New Jersey law prohibits drivers from using handheld devices such as cell phones while actively driving, whether for texting, emailing, or making phone calls. Using a cell phone while operating a vehicle that is moving means that the driver is distracted and poses a risk of causing an accident that can injure other motorists and passengers, bicyclists, or pedestrians. Of… [read more]

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“The attorney working on my personal injury case was knowledgable, courteous, and payed careful attention to every detail. He was sure to address any questions and concerns thoughtfully and respectfully. I have had an excellent experience interacting with the firm and I highly recommend the law firm of Rudnick, Addonizio, Pappa & Casazza to others.”

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